The TruckSafe accreditation standards have recently been revised as part of a new partnership with TRANZnet, who are the peak body representing trainers, assessors, industry organisations and consultants across the transport, logistics, distribution, plant, mining and related industries.
Ensuring safe, responsible truck transport
TruckSafe standards are based on a number of minimum standards that any trucking business should comply with to ensure safe, responsible operations.
TruckSafe accreditation provides operators with the assurance that they are meeting due diligence and duty of care requirements and shows customers that TruckSafe-accredited transport companies adhere to responsible work practices, well maintained vehicles, effective management systems and highly trailed drivers.
The new TruckSafe standards include the new additions:
- “Your Privacy” notice
- “TruckSafe Accreditation Work, Health and Safety Guidance Note”
- On-Road Compliance Standards module
- Fitness for Duty & Driver Health Standards module
- TruckCare Standards voluntary module
- “Why this Standard is Important” information
- “Best Practice Tip” information
Standards in the training module have also been updated.
What do the revised standards mean for drivers?
The revised standards mean there are now five mandatory modules, instead of four, that need to be completed in order to gain TruckSafe Accreditation. The new modules cover:
- Management
- Maintenance
- Training
- On-road compliance
- Fitness for duty and driver health
General Manager of TruckSafe, Justin Fleming, highlighted the new TruckSafe modules during the recent TRANZnet Conference at The Transport Industries Skills Centre (TISC) in Canberra.
“We have seen huge changes in the trucking industry and improvements to our safety record over the years, and it is important for us and our members to continue to keep up with these changes,” he said.
“Auditing in line with these new standards will commence from 1 January 2017 so it is essential for operators to start looking at the standards and implement them,” the association said. “It is all about our members, and with the new TruckSafe standards, the foundation for best practice for our members is stronger than ever.”
Drake Trailers understands the value of quality training and accreditation and we fully support the work of TruckSafe to improve the safety and professionalism of truck transport operators across the country.
Compliance with health and safety standards is one of our core values along with providing a continuous learning culture for our employees. Together with Apprenticeships Queensland, we are focussed on the best ways to transfer the skills and knowledge of experienced heavy haulage transport experts to the next generation. For more information on our apprentice program or our range of Australian-made, customised, heavy haulage trailers, contact us.