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The Drake Group deliver 10X8 Steerable in Beyond Blue colours to Rio Tinto

Mental Health is a topic that nobody can ignore. It’s estimated that 45% of all Australians will, at some point in their life, experience a mental health condition. That means in real terms that mental health affects everyone.


10×8 Steerable for Rio Tinto painted “Beyond Blue”

To demonstrate their commitment to the cause, a 10×8 steerable commissioned for Rio Tinto was painted in the distinctive Beyond Blue colours in an effort to raise awareness of mental health in the workplace.

“This trailer is a show-stopper any day of the week, but with a bit of luck when its seen travelling to Weipa in far North Queensland and out on the roads, it will inspire people to start conversations which are sometimes hard to raise,” The Drake Group said in a statement.


10×8 steerable for rio tinto painted “Beyond Blue”


Mental health every day

The work Beyond Blue does every day is so important. The organisation, founded almost 20 years ago by Jeff Kennett, works around Australia to tackle issues such as depression, anxiety, self-harm and other devastating impacts of mental health trauma including suicide. To date Beyond Blue have directly or indirectly helped millions of everyday Australians deal with the issues in a healthy way.

Truck drivers in particular cop it worse than most. One in five truck drivers have had to take mental health issues head on and, tragically, they are seven per cent more likely to develop depression than workers in other industries. This is why the team at Drake Trailers know that we need to continue working to combat this in the future. And we also recognise that there is a need for more funding for mental health treatment and research because it’s difficult to determine who’s most vulnerable, where their problems are and how good treatments are, and also in the fact that mental health is often very complicated for people.

This led to the team at The Drake Group integrating a Beyond Blue mental health training group into its workplace. Through the program our staff learn how to identify mental health issues, talk about them with their co-workers, friends and family and get the help they need easily.

“It’s critical that the team know that they will be supported and have access to resources to get them through tough times,” The Drake Group said. “Having a workplace that focuses on mental health means a healthier, happier and more productive team.”

At The Drake Group we’re committed to our team’s physical and mental well being, and proudly support Beyond Blue’s work.  If you, or someone you know, is experiencing a personal crisis, call Lifeline on 13 11 14 or Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467.


10×8 steerable for rio tinto painted “Beyond Blue”

10×8 steerable for rio tinto painted “Beyond Blue”

10×8 steerable for rio tinto painted “Beyond Blue”



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