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Transport and logistic skills are in demand (part two)

In part one of our series on the findings of the Hays Jobs Report (January – June 2018), we looked at how the future of many industries across the country are changing due to new markets and technologies. These will require workers of the future who have skills learned in the transport and logistics fields. This final part examines the Trades & Labour, Resources & Mining and Oil & Gas sectors.


Trades & labour

The rise of construction activity across the country has seen a commensurate upswing in demand for carpenters, electricians and plumbers. Interestingly enough, there is a continual need for refrigeration mechanics, particularly in the hotter parts of the country. Keeping to transport, heavy diesel mechanics are always required to keep the heavy machinery used in these large civil construction projects, such as wind farms and roadworks, running. Hence, there will always be positions vacant for bricklayers, carpenters, shop fitters and concreters to make these projects a reality.


Resources & mining

This mining sector is booming, and the needs of employers change based on the part of the country they operate out of. For example, in Western Australia, Dump Truck Operators and Underground Engineers are sought after more than anywhere else. Diesel Fitters and Dragline Operators are advised to head to Queensland for the best job prospects, and the proliferation of new quarry sites in Victoria has seen that market call out for Quarry Operators.

Hays advise that job seekers in this field should update their CV to include the latest qualifications and tickets as they are earned, and to remove expired or outdated ones from the list.


Oil & Gas

A key area of demand in this sector is for Energy & Gas Traders. This requires a unique blend of technical knowledge, business savvy and marketing know-how to ensure successful deals are made in this ever-changing and extremely dynamic market. Project Engineers and Technicians can make their career in this field by applying their skills towards connecting resources to new developments.

Overall, the employment outlook for the country remains bright. Hays have recently conducted a survey of employers and found that 45% of them are planning on increasing their permanent staff numbers in the coming months, so it’s a particularly good time to be applying for new positions as they appear.

As Australia’s leading provider of heavy transport trailers, Drake Trailers continues to help many different industries move ahead into 2018. Contact Drake Trailers today to find out more.

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