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We’re going to CRT FarmFest 2016

CRT FarmFest is billed as Queensland’s premier field days and is one of the most comprehensive displays of farming equipment, agricultural products and services in Australia. Located at Kingsthorpe Park, just west of Toowoomba from 7-9 June, CRT FarmFest is the event everyone in the rural community attends.

This year, Drake and O’Phee Trailers are joining the 2,500 exhibitors and we’re bringing our O’Phee 3×4 Ag (4.3 metre) widener and a Drake traditional 3X4 Deck Widener along to show the agricultural sector the benefits of these two versatile best-in-class trailers, these models complement each other well.


One trailer – limitless range of uses

The O’Phee 3X4 Ag widener has been specifically designed for the transport of extra wide and heavy machinery and equipment used across the agriculture sector. With a widening capability to 4.3m.


Strong, safe trailers built in Brisbane

Our O’Phee 3×4 Ag (4.3 metre) widener and the Drake traditional 3X4 Deck Widener will be on show at CRT FarmFest. Like every Drake and O’Phee Trailer, it has been manufactured in Brisbane by our safe, skilled workforce using only the best quality materials, including Australian, Swedish and Japanese steel.

Come and see us at display site N35, Kingsthorpe Park for CRT FarmFest from 7-9 June 2016. If you can’t make it to FarmFest and would like more information about our O’Phee 3×4 Ag (4.3 metre) widener, 3X4 Deck Widener or any other Drake or O’Phee Trailer in the range, contact us.

The 2016 CRT FarmFest site plan is available for download, so you are sure to find us!

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